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Apollo is a portable solar charging station based on the innovative concept of solar technology. It exploits the thin-film solar cell's benefits to make the charging station lighter and more efficient.

Dimension / 80*80*8500 mm
Designer / Jia-Sheng Chen
Year / 2018

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Global Energy Demand

“UN Environment” predicts that global energy demand will grow by 33% and carbon dioxide emission will increase to 20% in 2035, which will have serious impacts on the environment. In recent years, more and more countries invest massive resources in sustainable energy development.

Solar Balloon Advantage

 “Energy Trend” Global Solar Demand Report shows that global solar demand has increased by 10 MW in 2018, showing a remarkable upward trend year by year.

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Thin Solar Panel Benefits 

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 ©2020 by Jia-Sheng Chen

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